Maths. Pumpkin Pi, perhaps?

Many moons ago, I studied Maths and Physics at Royal Holloway College, in Egham, Surrey. Decades later, I foolishly thought I might try a PGCE (LLS), thinking it might broaden my job prospects at a time when the future of libraries was in doubt. Following its completion, I realised that I would never make a good schoolteacher nor would I enjoy trying to be one.

Nevertheless I had rekindled an interest in Maths and Physics; although, it has now become yet another interest I cannot keep up with. I have done a tiny bit of tutoring of adults.

Quite a few people are troubled by Maths and find it fearful, boring and difficult, or consider it irrelevant.Sometimes, I am one of them!

However, it can be used to focus the mind, and accustom it to some mental exercise and problem-solving, and when it applies to the physcial world it can seem beautiful. Getting stumped can make us feel stupid, but overcoming the difficulties and solving a problem can make us feel better about ourselves.

A good grounding in school maths can be useful and is sometimes deemed essential in some career paths: however, there are many people who have succeeded wonderfully well without getting that far with Maths.

abstract pattern of light